In the words of a New Zealand government inquiry, chiropractic care is “remarkably safe.” Chiropractic has an excellent safety record. This is the result of a conservative approach to health that avoids invasive procedures or addictive drugs.1 In relation to the treatment of neck and back pain, studies have shown that a course of chiropractic care was 250 times safer than a course of anti-inflammatory drugs.2
After taking an extensive history of your health, our chiropractors undertake a detailed examination to assess the extent and location of neural dysfunction in your spine before any adjustment is performed. By doing so they will uncover any contraindications (red flags) to particular treatments.
From here, your chiropractor can determine a plan of care that best suits you, which will obtain the best results for your health. Every adjustment is tailored to the individual patient’s age, size and unique spinal presentation.
- Chiropractic in New Zealand: Report of the Commission of Inquiry. (1979). Hasselberg PD, Government Printer, Wellington, New Zealand.
- Dabbs,V. & Lauretti,W.J. (1995). A Risk Assessment of Cervical Manipulation vs NSAIDs for the Treatment of Neck Pain. Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics, 18(8), 530-536.
A chiropractic adjustment is the skilled application of a specific force in a precise direction, applied to a joint that is fixated, “locked up”, or not moving correctly. This force causes motion in the joint, helping the spinal segments to gradually regain normal function. This safe and natural procedure encourages improved spinal function, leading to enhanced nervous system function and better overall health.
There are many ways to adjust the spine. Typically the chiropractor’s hands or a specially designed instrument delivers a brief and specific force to locked up spinal segments. Some adjusting methods are quick, while others require a measured, constant or indirect pressure.
After five years of university training and clinical experience, each chiropractor graduates with a wide range of adjusting approaches and techniques at their disposal.
Yes. Significant structural stress can occur at birth and as a result, many parents choose to have their newborn checked for spinal health problems. Later, learning to walk, riding a bicycle, falls, scrapes and other childhood activities can cause subluxations or abnormal motion in spinal segments. While a band-aid or some comforting words can help a skinned knee, the potential invisible structural damage to the child’s spine, skull, pelvis and limbs is the unique domain of a chiropractor.
Many childhood health complaints that may be dismissed as “growing pains” can be traced to the spine. Regular chiropractic treatment can identify these problems and help avoid the health complaints adults often encounter later in life. Naturally, chiropractic methods are modified to suit the developing spine of a child, particularly babies, with extremely gentle and safe low-force techniques.
A growing number of us, especially in our later years, are consulting chiropractors. With more and more public concern surrounding the dangers of over-medication and the side-effects of combining various prescription drugs, safe, natural chiropractic care is only gaining in popularity.
By restoring better spinal function, our practitioners can help improve mobility, vitality, endurance, and appetite. Many patients report vast improvements with arthritic symptoms and other chronic ailments associated with the aging process. The adjusting technique used by your chiropractor will be modified for maximum comfort and results.
As we get older and wiser, the simplicity, specificity and effectiveness of chiropractic care becomes more and more evident.
Spinal problems are often neglected since childhood and may require ongoing supportive care to reach optimum spinal function. These long-standing problems are often associated with muscle weakness, soft tissue damage, and natural degeneration of the spine.
Most of our patients find that periodic chiropractic treatment helps to keep them feeling good. Those who are active, have stressful jobs, or simply want to be their very best find that a schedule of preventative visits are helpful in the maintenance of good health.
Some clients seek chiropractic care only when their ache or pain becomes unbearable. While this style of “crisis management” is usually more costly and time consuming, we stand ready to help anyone, regardless of their health goals.
How long you decide to benefit from chiropractic care is always up to you.